Blogging and Social Media Presentation

CSUN 2008 BLV1016

Slide 5: Facebook

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is another leading social networking platform and tool. Originally designed to serve college students, the site has expanded and now hosts networks based on geography, organizations, as well as schools.

The core of a Facebook account is a user profile, and users can add a variety of applications to enhance and expand the core Facebook functionality. There are also applications that can syncranize status updates between Twitter & Facebook for users on both services.

How Stuff Works Facebook Article

Jeff Pulver is a leading Facebook evangelist, and highlights the use of this platform for both business and social networking. Mr. Pulver now routinely uses Facebook instead of more conventional business web 1.0 tools like email. Jeff’s blog also covers the social media technology space in detail.

Facebook now has an audio captcha, but it may not work with Internet Explorer 7. If this is an issue, the user should install Firefox and then will be able to use the audio captcha. While much of Facebook is accessible, certain functions like drag and drop, and adjusting slider settings may not work with screen readers.

There is a sign up form for Facebook directly on the home page linked above.

Written by blv1016

March 11, 2008 at 6:47 am

Posted in Slides

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